Ambev & Solar Americas Launch 5MW Solar Plant in Brazil

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Solar Americas Capital and Ambev proudly announce the operational launch of a major behind-the-meter solar power plant in Brazil. Situated in Cachoeiras do Macacu, Rio de Janeiro, this impressive installation features a peak power generation capacity of 5MW, with approximately 9,000 solar panels installed adjacent to AMBEV’s manufacturing facility. This strategic placement ensures efficient energy delivery and optimal performance.

Advantages of Behind-the-Meter Solution

This behind-the-meter solar setup offers numerous advantages by generating energy directly for the consumer, eliminating the need to access the traditional distribution network. Christian Ferrari, Strategic Sourcing at AB InBev, highlights, “One of the key benefits of this deployment is the direct correlation between energy generation and consumption. This approach guarantees that AMBEV benefits from 100% certifiable, renewable energy while also reducing costs by avoiding the additional expenses associated with transmission and distribution networks.”

Environmental Impact

The new solar plant is expected to produce close to 7,000 MWh of clean energy annually. This amount of energy can power around 3,000 homes. According to the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation, each MWh of solar energy in Brazil helps avoid more than 300 kg of CO2 emissions (the average emission factor for Brazil in 2023 was 0.3785 tCO2/MWh). Consequently, this installation will prevent over 2,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions each year, a reduction comparable to planting more than 100,000 trees. Tiago Alves, Co-Founder and Commercial Director of Solar Americas, emphasizes, “This project exemplifies Ambev’s dedication to environmental protection and technological innovation. We are honored to collaborate with such a forward-thinking team at Ambev.”

Significance for the Energy Transition

The rising demand for renewable energy from commercial and industrial sectors is crucial for advancing the energy transition. This shift not only benefits the environment but also has positive social and governance impacts. Distributed and on-site renewable energy generation enhances the efficiency of the energy network infrastructure and contributes to significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, supporting a more sustainable energy future.

Solar Americas’ Commitment

Solar photovoltaics are pivotal in addressing the energy trilemma—ensuring energy security, affordability, and accessibility. Solar Americas collaborates in funding, locating, constructing, and overseeing solar projects for commercial and industrial clients. With over 25 years of expertise in the UK and Brazilian solar and finance markets, the launch of the Cachoeiras do Macacu solar plant represents a major milestone. We are committed to delivering affordable, clean, and renewable energy solutions to our global customers,” states Jose Tenorio, Co-Founder and Financial Director of Solar Americas.

Collaborative Efforts

This project not only underscores the potential of renewable energy technologies but also highlights the collaborative efforts needed to advance sustainable development. The partnership between Solar Americas and Ambev sets a new benchmark for future renewable energy initiatives, demonstrating how large-scale projects can contribute to environmental goals while meeting the energy needs of businesses.

The Cachoeiras do Macacu solar plant is a testament to the significant strides being made in renewable energy. By leveraging innovative solar technology, Solar Americas and Ambev are paving the way for a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly future. This project serves as an example of how strategic investments in clean energy can lead to substantial environmental benefits and operational efficiencies.


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